Facilitating visual communication 
between aviation professionals


Aviation experts are rarely also graphic designers. When showing the industry the way forward, their presentation slides may not do their expertise justice. The most advanced solutions, the latest state-of-the-art technology and the inspiring talks, are sometimes illustrated with entry level slides in terms of graphic design. This sends a mixed message to the audience. The ideas and solutions that the world needs may be less memorable or even difficult to understand and therefore to spread and implement.


Pass Your Message is dedicated to assisting aviation professionals with visual communication. Their existing presentation slides can be re-designed to enhance their message. The imagery and design can facilitate understanding and elevate the presenter's status by conveying their message in a clear, organised, memorable way. 

Below are my recent personal projects. Please contact me if you would like me to work on your presentation.


A bespoke presentation empowers the speaker to be confident and engaging. They can stand out from other presenters at an industry event and present a focused, polished, compelling story to decision-makers or investors.  Enhancing the aviation experts' slides with clear visual communication can facilitate progress in the industry.
See examples


Stand out and be remembered as others are unlikely to give any handouts to the audience. Your audience can review your message on the same evening while waiting for other presenters to upload their slides. Key data on handouts can support the decision your audience already made during your talk and help spread your idea faster.  
See examples


A limited time to present (e.g. 15 minutes) makes fitting all the information in the speech a challenging task. A well-crafted script will ensure a timely completion with all the important details included. The presenter will sound natural but prepared, without exceeding their allocated time or sounding like they are reading.​
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To present innovative aviation solutions and training in a clear, organised,  memorable way to facilitate progress and acceptance of new ideas.
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NATS slides
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